Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Solar Energy?

Hello everyone my name is The Kid and I want to know what the pros and cons of solar energy are?
If you know the answer please leave a comment here.
Thanx in advance!


  1. One pro is that it is cheap in the long run.

    Con, expensive in the short run.

  2. Pro: after initial investment, it is free
    clean, renewable, non-polluting.

    Con: trying to utilize solar energy is initially expensive.
    generator backup necessary in northern climates during winter or long stretches of cloudy weather

  3. Pros:Some of the pros of solar energy are that it is:
    1. renewable
    2. effectively inexhaustible
    3. non-polluting

    Cons: Some of the disadvantages associated with using solar power include:
    1. It is not available all through the day.
    2. limited by environmental factors (like latitude and weather)
    3. Not very efficient (available technology can only tap a small amount of the energy available in sunlight).

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  5. The installation of solar panels in remote locations is usually much more cost effective than laying the required high voltage wires.

  6. If you install a solar panel in your house, you are tapping into this massive source of free energy, and slashing your fuel bills. There are also great environmental benefits to solar energy, as it produces no pollution.

  7. The initial cost is the main disadvantage of installing a solar energy system, largely because of the high cost of the semi-conducting materials used in building solar panels.solar energy It does not pollute our air by releasing carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide or mercury into the atmosphere like many traditional forms of electrical generation does.
